About the journal
Aims & Scope
The MMJ (Monastir Medical Journal) is an online journal, published twice a year, in English and French languages.
The MMJ is managed by the Editorial committee of the Faculty of Medicine of Monastir (Tunisia). It is assigned to support and to promote the scientific production of medical sciences academic researchers.
The journal publishes original and influential research in all areas of clinical practice, translational medicine, medical and health advances, public health, and general topics of interest to the biomedical and socio-medical professional communities.
Accepting original research, reviews, clinical studies and study protocols, MMJ support student researchers and add a “student section” to guide and supervise student in medical research and publication. The research project written by the student shall be entertained the peer review intend to be performed by senior academicians.
Special issues are reserved for best academic findings (dissertations and doctoral theses) and supplementary issues are arrogated to a selection of the highest rated papers presented at scientific meetings organized by the Faculty of Medicine of Monastir.
Peer review statement
All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Section Editor and, if found suitable for further consideration, to single blind peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. All submissions to a plagiarism check.
Read the Instructions for Authors for information on how to submit your article.
Amine Ksiaa
Pediatric surgery Professor – Faculty of Medicine of Monastir.

Amel Chaabane
Professor of Clinical Pharmacology – Faculty of Medicine of Monastir

Walid Jomaa
Associate Professor of Cardiology – Faculty of Medicine of Monastir

Ahmed Mhalla
Associate Professor of Psychiatry – Faculty of Medicine of Monastir

Imen Mokdad Bzeouich
Assistant Professor of Biochemistry – Faculty of Medicine of Monastir

Nesrine Abroug
Associate Professor of Ophthalmology – Faculty of Medicine of Monastir

Associate Professor of Occupational Health – Faculty of Medicine of Monastir